Five Greens You Should Be Growing and Eating

— 3 minute read

As a proud owner of a Tower Garden from Drought Farm Supply, you're well aware of the many benefits that come with growing your own fresh produce. Not only do you get to enjoy delicious, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, but you also get to experience the satisfaction of watching your plants grow and thrive.

But when it comes to greens, it can be tough to know where to start. That's why we want to introduce you to five greens that are particularly well-suited to growing on a Tower Garden: dandelion greens, cut flower kale, Dino kale, dill, and fennel.

Large wooden bowl filled with healthy fresh garden salad greens
Greens are delicious and so good for reducing inflammation

  1. Dandelion greens: These nutrient-rich greens are a great source of vitamins A and K, as well as calcium and iron. They have a slightly bitter taste that can add a nice contrast to salads or sandwiches. Dandelion greens are also known for their detoxifying properties, making them a great addition to any diet.
  2. Cut flower kale: Kale is a superfood that is packed with vitamins and minerals, but cut flower kale takes it to the next level. This unique variety of kale produces beautiful, edible flowers that add a pop of color and flavor to any dish. Cut flower kale is also a great source of antioxidants, which can help to protect your cells from damage.
  3. Dino kale: Also known as Lacinato or Tuscan kale, this variety of kale has a slightly sweeter taste and a more tender texture than regular kale. It's a great source of vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin C, and it's also high in antioxidants.
  4. Dill: This herb is not only delicious but also has a variety of health benefits. It's a good source of vitamin A and C, iron, and calcium. It also has antimicrobial properties, which can help to protect against bacteria and viruses. Dill is a great addition to salads, sandwiches, and soups, and it can also be used to make pickles.
  5. Fennel: This licorice-flavored herb is not only delicious but also has a variety of health benefits. It's a great source of vitamin C, folate, and potassium, and it's also high in antioxidants. Fennel is a great addition to salads, sandwiches, and soups, and it can also be used to make tea.

All of these greens are easy to grow on a Tower Garden, and they can all be harvested within a few weeks of planting. Plus, by growing your own greens, you can be sure that you're getting the freshest, most nutrient-dense produce possible.

In conclusion, a Tower Garden from Drought Farm Supply is a great way to grow healthy greens and enjoy the many benefits that come with consuming fresh, nutrient-dense produce. Dandelion greens, cut flower kale, Dino kale, dill, and fennel are all excellent choices for growing on a Tower Garden. They're packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and they can be harvested within a few weeks of planting. Not only will you get to enjoy delicious, healthy greens, but you'll also get to experience the satisfaction of watching your plants grow and thrive. So why not give these greens a try and see how they can improve your overall health and well-being?